Connections team

Missions Statement:

To personally extend the love of Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters by providing spiritual support through cards, visits, phone calls, and new visitor outreach.

Team Leaders: Joanie Cox & Deb Wheeler.

Team Rock

Missions Statement:

To demonstrate the love of God through giving, service, and support to children and families both locally and globally. This is accomplished through the efforts of team members and the church family by identifying and prioritizing needs in the church, community and the world.

Current Projects: Coat/hat collection, Summer fun pack, Operation Christmas Child, Backpack Project, Christmas Family

Team Leaders: Kathy Klay & Diane Seaman

Neighbor to neighbor team

Missions Statement:

Our mission is to assist our Crossroad members and neighbors with their food needs by assessing the need and banding together to meet that need

Team Leaders: Shannon Cooper & Hugh Schiller

Fellowship & outreach team

Missions Statement:

To organize participation in community events to increase community familiarity with our church and organize church wide events focused on fellowship and outreach. We will work to gether to plan events and disburse information about them to the community. We will strive to create events that allow members and nonmembers to connect to one another through fellowship.

Team Leaders: Maria Gwinn & Kelsey Gess