What to wear

When attending a new church, it can be a toss-up for what you should wear and not "stick out" in the crowd. While our Pastor is usually in slacks and a dress shirt - and maybe sometimes a blazer and tie - the Praise Band and the rest of our people might be in anything from jeans to a suit. Come as you are. We welcome everyone here at Crossroad.

Where You'll Go

If you come at 8:30, we'll usually be at the coffee bar or down in the kitchen for breakfast - donuts, bagels, and fruit. 

If you come at 9:00, we'll be in Sunday School. We have classes from Pre-K all the way to our Adult class taught by our Senior Pastor. Feel free to attend any class you feel comfortable in.

At 10:00, we'll be meeting in our sanctuary for our main service. Crossroad Kids meets down the hall at this time for kids age 3 (and potty trained)-5th Grade.

Nursery is available both at 9:00 & 10:00 for infants and toddlers. 

What you'll sing

Our worship style at Crossroad is a blend of contemporary and traditional, incorporating a balance of contemporary worship music and traditional hymns. Our Praise Band will lead you in songs from Sovereign Grace, Matt Papa, Matt Boswell, as well as hymns, and old favorites. 

What You'll Hear

Our Pastor brings us challenging, Bible-based messages every week, clearly explaining how to apply Biblical principles to our everyday lives.